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Community Night

  • Lenexa United Methodist Church 9138 Caenen Lake Road Lenexa, KS, 66215 United States (map)

Community Night

Since 1988, the extended friends and families of L’Arche Heartland have been gathering on the second Friday of every month for food and fellowship. Community Night is an opportunity for the entire community, along with those who support us, to celebrate our relationships with one another on a monthly basis. The majority of months we meet at 6:00pm and share a dinner together, L’Arche generally provides the main dish and everyone in attendance brings a side or dessert. Community Nights are casual, crowded, and always fun!

The location varies and a reminder is emailed the week of to announce the theme of the meal so those in attendance can coordinate their contributions.

May 5

Prayer Night

May 12

Prayer Night