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Prayer Night

  • L'Arche Academy 8137 Santa Fe Drive Overland Park, KS, 66204 United States (map)

Prayer Night

Once a week all of our homes gather to share a meal and a time of prayer together. Our discussions and activities on these evenings strive to create inclusive ways to engage core members (adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities living in community).

Prayer Night themes are identified by our Spiritual Life Committee and then teams of assistants and core members take turns leading an activity on that theme. Past themes include: The Beatitudes, caring for our environment, solidarity with the poor, welcome, and gratitude. We also take special care to recognize the liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent. By staying on the same theme for at least a month, we have the ability to look at different aspects of the theme and engage with the spiritual lesson on different levels. Activities to inclusively discuss the theme include visual arts, music, and improvisational skits.

We also set aside a time each prayer night to listen respectfully to one another as every person in attendance has an opportunity to share what is on his/her heart through naming praises and prayer requests. Notes are taken each week and this list of prayer and praises is sent out to a network of friends and all the homes so we can hold each other in our thoughts throughout the week.

We love to welcome guests to our prayer nights. Please contact the office if you would like to schedule a week to join our community in this special tradition.

October 27

Prayer Night

November 10

Prayer Night