Our Stories: Sarah Engelmann
Sarah Engelmann has been a core member with L’Arche Heartland since 2009, when she first began attending our day service program at the Academy. In 2014 she made the transition from living with Mom and Dad, to living at Harmony House, our newest home in the Heartland community. Because of her involvement with both the day service as well as residential side of our community, we were interested to hear what makes L’Arche special to her.
When asked what she likes about L’Arche Academy, she said “I just really enjoy it!” She was then asked what she enjoys about it. Her responses were endless: “I like singing and keeping the beat,” (referring to morning sing-along). She went on to say “I enjoy journal time, doing crafts with Ms. Carol, volunteering, and doing my music video at 11:30 on Friday mornings.” During the school year Sarah goes, once a week with a small group from L’Arche, to volunteer at Metropolitan Lutheran Ministries. There she helps to fill back packs with food in order that underprivileged children can take them home on the weekends, as a way to ensure they are fed. Volunteering is often the highlight of her week, aside from watching her videos or “vid’s,” as she refers to them.
We then went on to talk about her life at Harmony House and what it is that she likes about living there. When asked what she enjoys about it, she responded: “well I enjoy doing my coup work, and watching my vids,” (clipping coupons and watching music videos in her room). She was then asked if she liked her roommates, and she responded with a jubilant “Yeah!” When asked what she liked to do with her roommates she said “Prayer Night every Tuesday, then game night at Homer’s,” (a local coffee shop) “playing Farkel, having movie nights, and music therapy on Thursday.” She ended the interview saying, “I love L’Arche and all the activities. I’m glad I live here.” And if you were to ask the community you would find that we are glad she lives here too!
Sarah Engelmann, Core Member